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Reflection for my subset of the field 

Technology (Physical Technology and tools) and Technology Integration

At the commencement of the course Instructional Design and Technology, I had a vague understanding of what it actually entailed.  The course description on the UWI open campus website and from various internet searches was a bit ambiguous but very intriguing. It was this level of intrigue that caused me to sign up for this course.  As I come to the end of this journey I am certain that I want to be an instructional designer with my main focus being technology specifically physical technology and technology integration.  

Technology is a change in the world that is having an effect on nearly every aspect of society. (Fouts 2000).  This generation of students differs in many ways, but one thing which stands out is that they have more access to technology than previous generations (Eugene, et al, 2004).

Technology Integration is the use of technology resources -- computers, mobile devices like smartphones and tablets, digital cameras, social media platforms and networks, software applications, the Internet, etc. -- in daily classroom practices, and in the management of a school. Successful technology integration is achieved when the use of technology is: Routine and transparent accessible and readily available for the task at hand supporting the curricular goals, and helping the students to effectively reach their goals.  Edutopia what works in education (2016)

Schools must be a part of these changes and research should proceed with the assumption that technology is and will continue to be a growing element within the schools (Fouts, 2000, p. 33).  There is also evidence that the integration of technology increases students’ performance.  It is on this foundation that I plan to build my academic interest/focus - technology (physical technology) and technology integration. As a teacher, I believe it is my obligation to take the lead in helping my students and by extension, my school, become part of this change. I also firmly believe that students need to be taught 21st-century skills, which can be greatly facilitated by the integration of technology.  

As the teacher in charge of most of the record keeping at my school, I can also make use of technology and technology integration  to improve our school's record management-manage information so that it is timely accurate, complete, cost-effective, accessible and useable. Robek, Brown & Stephens (1995:7). 

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